NOTE: Mod is 18+ & doesn't mind 18+ content on the timeline, but please leave them out of interactions with Xia Sini.

  • spoilers up to ch52, and possibly up to ch97. possible spoilers for the rest of the novel through other interactions !!

  • canon compliant up to xia sini arc

  • mainly 1.0 with some multiverse

  • technically 1.0 chu wanning in a child's body & retains 1.0 chu wanning's memories, but his mindset & behavior are significantly more childlike

  • interactions are always welcome !!

  • ( even if he seems grumpy about it !! )

NOTE: Mod is 18+ & doesn't mind 18+ content on the timeline, but please leave them out of interactions with Xia Sini.

occasionally featuring...

MO RAN [🐶]

  • tends to be brash and tactless, but xia sini believes he's well-intentioned and, for the most part, enjoys spending time with him.


  • reserved, kind, and compassionate. someone xia sini looks up to. the least headache-inducing.


  • haughty and impulsive, but his heart is usually in the right place. xia sini's first friend.

NOTE: Mod is 18+ & doesn't mind 18+ content on the timeline, but please leave them out of interactions with Xia Sini.